Disasters cannot be predicted but, they occur in everyday life. The question you must ask yourself is, are your affairs in order should you experience a disastrous event?
Are you divorced or in the middle of a divorce proceeding? If so, you should review your estate planning documents, ownership titles on your assets and named beneficiaries.
Today, it is possible to re-title the ownership of many assets by adding a beneficiary. When the asset is real property, for example your house, this occurs through the use of a life estate deed.
With no family to provide for, many singles may feel that having a plan isn’t a necessity. However, the truth is that estate planning for single individuals is just as important, and sometimes more complex, than planning for married couples.
Guardianships can occur when people fail to plan for disability which then occurs. Maryland has a vested interest in protecting its citizens and what they own.
Elder abuse can take many forms. These include direct physical, emotional, or sexual abuse and indirect abuse such as neglect, abandonment, and exploitation.